Thursday, April 16, 2009

in pain

being in pain is like being in middle of ocean..u know thr is an end to it but right now you can see only water and nothing else..
why does it hurt?? why do we feel bad seeing our loved ones in pain..coz we feel helpless..u want to help but you not sure hurts even more when you dont even know why person close to your heart is in pain..
sometims i feel its better for us to be in pain then watch helplessly your loved ones suffering..
its awfull to see some1 struggle with cancer..for a mother its painful to watch her handicap child struggle to fit in the "normal" group...
when something bad happens to us and we are suffering we indians feel its due to some wrong doing in our previous birth..but i feel its not that..we are in trouble or pain because we have to learn something..few lessons of life are learnt this way...but having your loved ones suffer is the punishment for your sins in our previous life..
i have seen many such incidents..ppl walk the wrong path and later in thier lives watch thier children suffer..
i really wish all ma loved ones stay happy all through thier lives..i dont mind me being in trouble.because i know i have the strenght to overcome it.but i cant watch my close ones in pain..i pray to god pls keep ppl around me happy..let me suffer for my faults not my loved ones....

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